Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Mosh Pit

I had a chance to finish off that Mosh Pit project I started a long while back.  The pit is an MDF disk that's 16" wide.   On top is a set of ancient block and sand in the pattern of a ruined temple.

I had a few things in mind when putting it together.  First -- it had to be interesting to play on.  It had to outline the play area and not add any effects that would withdraw from the Mosh Pit. 
To that end, none of the blocks or ruins on the pit are tall enough to count as an obstacle or obstruction.  Those can be added as seperate terrain pieces later.  Another effect on the pit is a 1" zone around the edge.  When Mosh Pit was originally released, there were two pit widths quoted -- 14" and 16".  For old schoolers that like the 14" width, players can ignore the outer width and just use the sand line as the outer boundary.

There are some effects on the pit that are artistic.  It's hard to see in this pic but there are two semiburied stone faces on the pit.  

Looking forward to playing on it!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tournament Model Tray

Got inspired to make a tray for transporting figures while at a tournament.  The idea was to have something that would allow magnetized figures to stick to it but also provide some amount of setting for them to be standing on.  The game group batted around ideas and this is what came out: 
It's a cookie sheet painted green and flocked.  There are some dirt patches in the middle and tufts of grass growing up throughout. 

Figures don't have to be magnetized to use it but it helps keep them steady while you're walking around.  Here's a small battlegroup (25pts) on the tray.
The terrain is magnetized so it comes off to be used on the battlefield too.  The beauty of this type of tray is that it folds flat and slips in the side of my miniatures container.

In this next picture, you can see that there's a few imperfections I need to fix.  Bare metal that needs additional flocking.

This is how a big battlegroup looks on the tray.  I could see getting another battle engine or some terrain piece on this one but not a lot more.  Another troop unit would make it pretty crowded.

The next one will be bigger.  I'll probably add a layer of sand before painting and flocking it -- just to make the ground more uneven.  Might even add a stone cliff on one side (magnetized on bottom with a sheet steel top) to add some character.

Here's a pic to show the value of magnetizing the figures.  The figs are stabilized by the magnets but not stuck to the tray by any means. 

I didn't go crazy with the magnets because didn't want the figures to get additional wear from being pulled off the tray.  The connection is a bit weak though.  If I add another layer of material to the tray, the magnets I used on these models might need reinforcing or replacement with larger ones.