Saturday, May 19, 2012

Trip to Historic Wargame Convention

On May 19, 2012 I went to the Drums at the Rapids, a historic miniatures wargame convention.  Here are some pictures from the games.  Some of them are in focus but it's a new phone/camera so some are pretty blurry.

The most impressive game I saw at the convention was the Russo-Japanese Naval Battle.  Here are some of the pics:

Pretty cool huh?  Yeah, I thought the models were very good until the gamemaster told us they were scratch built.  Every smokestack, mast, line, flag and wave modeled on the base was made by him.  That makes this fleet ASTOUNDING in my mind.

He also had plumes of water exploding out of the sea where shots from the main guns went wide of their targets.  It was great to see the Russian fleet in flames and surrounded by these water eruptions.

Below, Vikings raid the fishing village.  The Longboats are further off past the river.

This was the French Foreign Legion board.  What was striking to me was how good the village looked.

I need to work on my Menoth village more. His stuff just looked too good.

This is a small small section of the huge Prussians vs. French board. To give you a sense for size, the table was three times the size of the gaming table in my basement. Packed with models.

Here's a Gladiator arena -- scratch built -- and the Gladiators that compete in it.

And this is the stuff I came for.  Very juicy game of ACW in 20mm.

The game I played was in 6mm and I unfortunately took NO pictures of it.  Oh well, next time.