Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Ramos Crew

Put a lot of work into painting this weekend and cranked out the Ramos crew + Electrical Creation + Mobile Toolkit. Here's some pics of the finished Ramos plus his trusty Mobile Toolkit.  The Electrical Creation is something he can create so this trio will often be seen together.

This Steamborg model was a little finicky to put together just because his legs to naturally go on so that he stays level.  Plus the mechanical feet are pointing on the end -- that makes gluing him to the base difficult.

These arachnids are cute but very difficult to manipulate.  Part of that is because I'm a clutz but also these guys are really small!  They give you six arachnids in the box which makes for 1 swarm and 3 extra spiders.  Or you can do like I did and magnetize them all so they can go between a stand for swarms and individual stands for single arachnids.

This effort was not my best but I wanted to get a crew started and finished this weekend.  I'm really tired of an overflowing bin of unpainted models.

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