Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Infinity Board Progress

I've been doing entirely too much "designing" and not enough "producing" or painting so I devoted some time while the gf was traveling to put together some of this stuff that I've been cutting out.

First is a small park with hedges, topiary and a statue.
From a different angle, you can see some baby blue shops on the left, a few street ads and three flower boxes.
Same view from a little higher up

Here's an overview of the street.  You can see the red long bridge at left and the new jersey barriers in the middle at top.

Here's a little closer view of the street level.  The tabletop is a gray street.  The curbs that are under the buildings are a different piece that can be picked up and moved.  The troops are walking on a crosswalk that's actually painted on the tabletop.  I may paint over them.  Crosswalks turn out to be equally well painted on a piece of plasticard that is easily movable where the tabletop paintjob isn't.

Here's what the street looks like from the point of view of the 1K Sons

Still a TON of work to do on this board.  Plenty of designs that haven'been cut out.  Hoping my next post is the Mag Lev train.

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