Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Terrain Storage

Someone asked what my system was for storing terrain.  This is a quick post for that.

First step - Folding Tables (courtesy of Cyric).  This allows for a gaming area to be converted for games and then back to a family area with only a little effort. 

Next - A rolling shelf unit holds all the books, game craft and terrain pieces.  To keep them dust free and protected, I put terrain in storage containers.

Storage containers - I generally put my terrain in labelled storage containers so I can get to it easily and keep it dirt/dust free.  It also makes it easy to move and store in the garage or basement.  Stackable, water resistant, $4 each on sale.

Build small - I rely heavily on scatter terrain and re-usable pieces between game systems.  You can change it around for infinite variety.

Flat terrain is preferred.  Where terrain goes vertical, it is usually nested and stackable.  It must fit in a storage container.
I gave away all my centerpiece terrain because it doesn't store easily in a 14" x 20" space.

Tabletops -- You can change your whole scene by changing from an open field to desert terrain to a water colored board.  Tabletops store flat against the wall.

A good storage system in the basement also helps keep you organized.

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